Friday, March 13, 2009

Need your help

Grace and greetings.

It has been a long time, I know. First I will ill, missing the last day of Kivig. Then I was traveling to Fairbanks and then to Kansas City. Of course while we were out of town, we lost the Internet connection to the house. We are trying to get it fixed, but the people will not be able to come to the house until next week sometime.

I was in Fairbanks, Alaska for our Presbytery of Yukon Spring Meeting. Presbytery is the geographical body of the Presbyterian Church. In our case, the Presbytery of Yukon is most of the State of Alaska, everything North of Anchorage, and from the Canadian Border to Saint Lawrence Island with the communities of Gamble and Savoonga. The next level of government is the Synod, in our case the Synod of Alaska Northwest. There are 176 presbyteries, 16 synods and one General Assembly. While at the meeting, Kim transferred her membership from Pennsylvania to here, (ministers are members of the presbytery, and not the local church). In the mean time Sam was in Anchorage at the Model United Nations high school gathering.

Then I was in Kansas City for a Stewardship conference. It was good to get out, but just too short for the distance traveled.

Now to my request. I returned from Kansas City last night, and this morning had an hearing exam; yes, I need hearing aids. My question to the general population out there of those who wear hearing aids: Do you have a preference to the "In the Ear" or "Behind the Ear?" I have the option, just do not know which way to go...then come up with the money before I place my order. Please let me know of your recommendations.

Well, it is getting late tonight, and I need to head home. I hope the Internet connection is fixed soon, so I can take care of other things at home rather than at my office.

Peace and blessings.

1 comment:

wanders in said...

Perhaps none of your readers have hearing aids and your question wasn't directed to us :)